How Do you get people to cycle ?

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Andy in Sig said:
I'm pleasantly surprised that it is that high a figure. Well done.

Come to think of it, why should I be surprised as I know how much fun cycling is? I suppose lots of people just forget that aspect of their childhood.

Yeah it is good innit! What we do is increasingly results driven. Riding a peculiar bike around a track, fun as it is, may or may not encourage folk to take up cycling. The Cycle 50% Challenge provides tangible results. It's a bloody complicated thing to run but from a bums-on-seats point of view it's hard to beat.


Senior Member
East Midlands
snorri said:
I think it is important to be clear which branch of cycling you wish to promote, cycling for sport, or cycling for transport and leisure?
If people came along and see sporting types in their lycra, helmets and funny shoes it will be an immediate turn-off to those who could perhaps be encouraged to cycle a couple of miles to the shops or workplace in ordinary clothes.
A lot of people are uncomfortable with the idea of wearing clothing different to the norm.

Yet Another very good point thank you, this is my whole point of throwing this open to you all. This is an issue i have raised before, there is a couple of very active club cyclist and a complete novice involved I see my roll as inbetween in my view this is whats missing BIG time in and around Leicester and what I would like to see change.
but if you talk to another member of the group they may well see it as something different
Hence my need for as many different points of view as poss
Thanks again for all your help


Girl from the North Country
origamikev said:
Hi Anne I had to get up in the middle of the night to write down my thoughts along your idea of a buddy scheme this maybe a way not only to get new riders more settled but also make experienced riders more aware of new riders fears.
Thank you all for your ideas I will note them all and in a week or so mail them to the group so they can be mulled over before the next meeting after Christmas
please keep them coming no matter how silly or obvious you think they are sometimes the simplest idea is the most affective.

Hi origamikev,

Sorry to disturb your sleep, but glad to help with an idea.

This is a great thing you're doing - working to help people get started with a new fun hobby. Well done and good luck with it.

Let us know how it goes.



Senior Member
East Midlands
annedonnelly said:
Hi origamikev,

Sorry to disturb your sleep, but glad to help with an idea.

This is a great thing you're doing - working to help people get started with a new fun hobby. Well done and good luck with it.

Let us know how it goes.


Hi Anne yes i'll let you know, it's not just me doing it i'm just a small cog if you forgive the pun
Kind regards Kevin


Senior Member
East Midlands
Hilldodger said:
Come and talk to me. The local PCT's want Cyclemagic to run some projects around the county and we're probaly already lookng at doing that in your area.

0116 2625551.

Roger the Hilldodger

Hi Roger you were my first port of call, I mailed you a couple of weeks ago at Cycle magic but had no reply.;)
Thanks for your number i'll give you a call on Tuesday when i'm back in Leicester.
Our paths has crossed before, The ride from Abbey Pumping station, Your Belgrave Hall talk and The BBC Film Showing. I found all of these Events Very interesting and fun ,these are the sort of thing I have in mind.;)
speak with you soon


New Member
origamikev said:
Hi I would appreciate any advise on ways to get young and old involved in cycling and to encourage people back in the saddle.
I have been asked to help our local council along with other cycle enthusiasts to come up with ideas for events next spring
Thoughts so far :

cycle marathon
pub runs
local hubs riding to a common venue picnic etc
cycle treasure hunt

now other to you..........................

Draw their attention to the fact that it's free - no petrol costs, no obligatory insurance, considerably less maintenance, free parking - if they're in London, no congestion charge.

These are the reasons why I gave up my volvo for a bicycle, gladly. The costs of a car are huge. Once you prove that a car is a bad idea, well they have to choose between walking and cycling... and eventually, like me, they'll realise cycling is faster!


New Member
Student-wise, I second selling it on the basis of it being 'free'... no petrol, no waiting in queues, no paying for the gym (since you're already fit if you cycle), yadayada...
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