How do you choose your route

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I just head of in a new direction and see what i come across, i find the new routes when i ride alone, when i ride with others we normally do a route we are all happy with, but i do enjoy ridding alone i don't have to worry about anyone else, so what ever i come across i just deal with it. got tottally lost a few weeks ago it's all part of it, you will always find your way home. go explore.
I've run out of new directions


Über Member
I like to avoid traffic as much as possible. If there's a cycle route I'll take that, otherwise the smaller and straighter roads.

I also like to find something interesting to head for.


three wheels on my wagon
Never planned a route as my plans always go to pot, used to have a pub in mind and work my way to that but the best days always happen by accident. Sunday rides were great back when you had a time to work to as the pubs were only open 12 til 2. I don't drink and ride any more which was probably always a bad idea.

A basic knowledge of the area you are going to cycle is a good idea, but this builds up the more you go out. Also a bit of following the tracks of other bikes opens up new areas. Just keep an eye on the time and keep going til it is time to head back.


Rollin' along
Manchester way
Decide on the fly that way I can change or extend or cut it shorter depending on how it goes without feeling I've got an itinery to stick to and am cheating on myself to change it around.


I'm a creature of habit and generally stick to some old faithfuls. I have a 33 mile route I often do in the morning before work, especially when the mornings are lighter. I did it about 40 times last year. Sometimes I'm really adventurous and do it in reverse! There is a sameness about a lot of my rides, which is comfortable but slightly boring. Some of my best rides in contrast have been one way. My family sometimes go camping in school holidays and I may have to work part of the time. Knocking off work, going home to get changed, then heading to a campsite feels exciting and different. I'm usually looking forward to it the whole day at work. I've been quite fortunate with the wind as well. Doing 50 miles with a reasonable tailwind feels much better than out and back!


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
All my best routes are found by trial and error.
I usually map a route on bikehike to the Garmin.
Try out route and on the next run try a few diversions.


Legendary Member
Don't like busy main roads so most of my routes have to at least begin on one of the few quieter roads out of the town. If I can get fitter and build distance I may have more choice of routes but inclined to use the same three or four with slight variations.

I just pretty much decide in the morning where I will go depending on weather and how I am feeling.


If I head North, after 10 miles I get very wet, if I go South it's ridge after ridge, East I end up in Bristol and West I will end up in WSM unless I forget to avoid the sea again...
I sort of just decide whether to start by heading north, east or west then just modify my route while i'm out depending on how strong i feel or how easy riding feels that day.
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