How do you choose your route

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Active Member
The title says it all really! My partner is away this weekend and I'm ashamed to say I always leave route planning to him. I could just do one of our local tried and tested routes but I thought I might be a bit more adventurous.

I've had a google and looked at national routes but feel a bit overwhelmed really:eek:


I have a few set routes that I do regularly but now and again I'll try and venture off somewhere different. I think the key is knowing how local villages locate to each other, that way I can usually find my way home by navigating village to village using road signs.


Legendary Member
What I want to see on the day, time available, weather forecast, wind direction and speed, if I may need to buy food en route, if I have been that way recently or am likely to go that way in the near future....that's it!:smile:
I'm bit adhoc when it comes route planning and quite often just go out heading into wind so I blown back if the wind is light I just go where I please. If I plan a route I know the types of road I'd like so I just plot quickly on RideWithGPS; I might use Streetview (built in to RWGPS) if I have a query. If I'm totally new to somewhere I look at cyclestreets and join things up on a os map.
I plan my routes mainly based on expected volume of traffic. I try to stick to quiet 'B' roads, as I hate HGVs. (edit: and white-van men. Usually I don't like generalisations, but white-van men almost alway seem determined not to move over into the other lane and give you room, even if there's nothing coming in the opposite direction.) :cycle:

Deleted member 23692

I've got about 30 or so routes stored in GIS, all with differing distances and ascents etc. I just pick one (or two) that take my fancy, load it on the Garmin and off I go


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
Garmin Connect/mapmyride then download to my GPS :smile:


Active Member
Thanks for all the replies,
Haven't got any GPS type stuff, but am looking on the bike hub website. Also thinking I might just head out and see where my nose takes me.


Legendary Member
I use memory map and start dragging a route out, look at the profile and if I think it looks to steep adjust it. I always have in mind roughly how far I want to go.


The Glue that binds us together.
I just head of in a new direction and see what i come across, i find the new routes when i ride alone, when i ride with others we normally do a route we are all happy with, but i do enjoy ridding alone i don't have to worry about anyone else, so what ever i come across i just deal with it. got tottally lost a few weeks ago it's all part of it, you will always find your way home. go explore.
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