Perhaps, now this thread has inevitably wandered off topic, I should clarify my music listening preferences?
In my car, I want my music. On my bike, I want my music. At home I listen to various radio stations depending on mood (there are lots to choose from in this digital age) or I stream for free via Amazon and my Alexa devices of mixed Powerage that are dotted around the house (against my better judgement, they are listening, get the foil hats on, etc). I like being able to say 'Alexa, play me cowboy songs' or 'Alexa, play me 90s hard dance music' (got to say I am not entirely convinced by their 1920s mix!).
I do this for free and tolerate/mentally block out the adverts (Although the constant, intrusive, repetitive 'want to listen to music ad free' adverts that Amazon run, sometimes multiple times in a single and break, can get a bit wearing!) so on the whole I don't see why I need to subscribe to anything to achieve more than this?