How do i improve my cycling

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Sounds to me like you are right on track and there is no problem here. You've only been cycling a few months and only a couple of hundred miles a month. You can't expect to find 30/40 mile rides easy(ish) if you haven't done a few 50/60 mile rides. You're doing well but need to get a few thousand miles in the bank and then reassess.

One possible easy fix. Muscles can store energy for about a 2 hour exertion. Pay attention to your eating habits before the longer rides (plenty of carb) and try eating more during the ride. This may help to extend your muscle stamina.


Thanks for the advice Thomk. I will indeed keep going. We have a good group of CC riders in our area and most of us are trying to up the mileage and fitness.


Proud Daddy
Just to add my average speed is 16mph on a 30 mile ride. Not 19mph. I wish :smile:
I get a slight burn in the thighs ... Is this the norm?

Don't worry about your speed. Work on endurance and the speed will come up by itself as you increase your base. As said, 800 isn't much. Your muscle tissue is still getting used to working in a cycling way. It's taken my body 4000 miles to really start to get the hang of it.

Get a heart rate monitor and do lots of tempo work, with a little threshold here and there. Go as slow as you need to to maintain this. It's AMAZING how fast this will work. Learn proper nutrition and hydration and the distances will rapidly extend.

The burn is normal.. Thats lactic acid building up. As you train that with threshold work the burn will happen later. Aim for achy muscles afterwards, the more ache the more muscle tissue rebuilding will take place, but only if you rest properly. If you fail to give yourself recovery time your body really will slow down any gains, as well as risking motivation losses.

As for slouching, yes core work will help. Don't go banzai in the gym tho, I would recommend Pilates instead.. Not the cattle market sports centre sessions though. Find a proper practitioner who will do both mat work and machines with no more than 5 in a class. You need someone that understands cyclists as well. I started said sessions 3 months ago and the difference is extraordinary.. I've even lowered the bars by about 4 inches and it feels amazing.

I've followed these steps and in a year I've gone from dying after 5 miles, to being able to ride for 100+ with ease. Every Saturday I do 70+ at an average of 18+mph.. We're all different though and I know I'm lucky enough to have a body that responds well to training.

Good luck.


Legendary Member
If you want to go longer, then you have to go a bit slower - at least in the early part of the run. 16mph is a good average for a solo ride of up to 30 miles, and suggests that you are cycling close to your max on these runs. Try to start off your runs at a nice easy pace and build into the run. If you are pushing from the start, then you will build up an aerobic deficit which brings on the 'burn' too early.

Any good training plan has long, 'steady' runs at a pace well below your aerobic threshold for endurance and shorter runs and interval training at a faster pace to build your speed. As you build your endurance base, the speed will improve on the longer runs. I prefer to start easy and finish in good shape than run out of steam a few miles from home and suffer the consequences.

It sounds to me like you would benefit from getting out with a club, particularly for longer runs. You should check out the clubs in your area to see if there are any which could get you initiated in the pleasures of cycling in a group.

Mr Haematocrit

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:surrender: 5 kids to support

Surprised you have either the time or energy to cycle :laugh:
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