How did you get your user name

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New Member
I was watching tour highlights when I first registered with a Scottish cycling forum about 3-4 years ago and it popped up on-screen. I couldn't think of anything witty so stuck that in, thinking it'd be vaguely amusing to call myself that given that I never am. Also Tete sounds a little bit like tit. Don't know if anyone noticed that.

Kept the name at C+ for quickness and did almost change it when we came here, maybe I still will, but haven't yet.


Smutmaster General
Fnaar Fnaar, snik snik


nothing in moderation
Tetedelacourse said:
I was watching tour highlights when I first registered with a Scottish cycling forum about 3-4 years ago and it popped up on-screen. I couldn't think of anything witty so stuck that in, thinking it'd be vaguely amusing to call myself that given that I never am. Also Tete sounds a little bit like tit. Don't know if anyone noticed that.

Kept the name at C+ for quickness and did almost change it when we came here, maybe I still will, but haven't yet.

keep it mate. thinking of it with the scottish vernacular always raises a smile ;)
It was the name of a pet rat. He was called Geoffrey, but my friend's little boy (hello Fuzzymum! :biggrin:) couldn't pronounce Geoffrey, so he became Chuffy.

Used to be Evilchuffy on C+, on account of Chuffy being a tad on the evil side (he had a wicked line in rat ninja skillz) but dropped it because I'm not really evil, just very grumpy.

It's my real name now. Anyone who knows me through cycling calls me Chuffy. :biggrin:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I became Arch in an early undergrad lecture when the lecturer though it would be fun to call out the register by surname, and being terminally cool, he barely pronouced the 'er' bit at the end of mine, so Arch I became to my class mates, and Arch I've stayed...


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I thought long and hard about my forum name and eventually settled for the one I use on BikeRadar, which was the one I'd used on C+ - ColinJ. This is made up of two parts - (1) My given name Colin, and (2) J, the first letter of my family name. Pretty inventive, eh :biggrin:?

(1) According to Wikipedia, the name Colin might be a development of the Norse name "Koli", meaning "dark". If that was what my parents intended, it showed a lot of foresight because I was born blond, and didn't get dark hair until I was older. It is more likely that the name was an Anglicized form of the Gaelic name "Cailean" or "Coileain", meaning "whelp" or "young pup", given that I was very young when I was born, and that my mother comes from the West coast of Scotland, spoke Gaelic as a child and only learned English as a foreign language at school!

(2) My family name comes from my father, who got it from his and so on back into history until at some point that wasn't true. The family then obviously got bored of being called what they were then, HidesFromWolves, BurnsEasilyInSunlight, whatever...


Cycling in the sun
I choose summerdays ... cos I love long summer days of sunshine, warmth... a light clothes, picnics, camping, etc... come back summer I want winter to be over NOW ... too wet, too cold, too many layers etc...


Bit boring my story. When I got my first home pooter way back when, I wanted to set up a joint email addy for me and the missus. I tried putting an ampersand in only to be told you can't have one. The email software made a suggestion to change it from simon&ali@... to simonali@...

So there you have the boring tale of it being mine (should that be my?) and the wifey's names joined together! It's a quite unusual name, though and seems to work almost anywhere, so it has always come in handy.


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
At primary school, we were asking if we had our own names for everyday objects. A pal said he called cigarettes 'singoos'.

At the time I was just referred to as 'Mason', where the last syllable is pronounced phonetically as 'sin'. Some wag tagged Mason + singoo together because they ended and started with the same audible syllable and I was then referred to as 'Masingoo', which was quickly shortened to Goo - a name that parents of schoolfriends still call me when I meet them in the street (and which puzzled my daughter when she was younger and asked me why my ex called me Goo).


Über Member
not from cycling that's for sure :wacko:; I took some photos with my new zoom lens and needed a username to register to post them up
Took part in Century ride in early 1990's along with my dad and brother-in-law, and in those days we all wore trade tops:blush: It just so happened that we all chose to wear our "oh so cool" Toshiba tops and as we crossed the finish line the PA guy announced our arrival as "here come the Toshiba Boys" (we wish:biggrin:).
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