Leg End Member
You do understand the difference between opinion, advice and evidence do you not ? Im hardly ever correct, fortunately I recognise this factnow where is this outdated notion you refer to ? All Ive asked for is for some more reliable evidence than Ive been able to gather on helmet use in certain groups. In reply all ive heard is a load of bull about any group but the ones ive mentioned, as Adrian has mentioned its probably of little significance, if so why do you and your pals KEEP BANGING ON ABOUT IT ? I don't care what you do in relation to helmets, as you probably dont care about my choice either. Where I do draw the line is when blanket evidence is used to cover all groups.
You don't even know or have been interested to ask if, where or when I use a helmet have you ? ( The avatar picture is an event which required helmet use by the way just in case it clouded your judgement)
In fact your just another helmet evangelist spouting the party line
Now, now.
You dismissed the question when it was asked by me, go on to ask the same question yourself & then tell me I'm in the wrong, but you are not. We both asked the same question, seperate ways, only you dismissed mine out of hand. I used your own answer as an answer to your question. So in effect you are your own judge & jury. Is this the blanket evidence, used by me, that you are referring to?
Show me anywhere on this site where I have advocated one way or the other, for or against helmet wearing.
Oh, by the way, no judgement on anything you wear has been made from the avatar. Using such simplistic evidence would suggest that I ride a trike more commonly used in the selling of items.