You both either didn't read or didn't understand my earlier post:
After much pressure from doctors and 'concerned parties', Boxing (and many Martial Arts) adopted the protection of head guards because these would "obviously" reduce head injury. Very similar groups are now pressuring for cycle helmet compulsion, for the same reasons.
Medical opinion now accepts that the boxing head guards
have increased the frequency of brain trauma which remains undetected and untreated, because the tell-tale signs of bruising and cuts are no longer present.
This is the case despite the awareness that boxing and Martial Arts have the potential for brain injury and the frequent attendance of doctors and first aiders at matches.
One assumes

that these people would be looking out for "loss of balance, slurred speech, altered pupils, complaints of a headache, nose bleeds" AFS, but the presence of the head protection has still
increased the frequency of brain trauma which remains undetected and untreated, because the tell-tale signs of bruising and cuts are no longer present.
Obviously the later symptoms such as loss of balance, slurred speech, altered pupils, complaints of a headache, nose bleeds are not disguised by a helmet (I'm surprised at you AFS as a professed first aider for thinking they would be

). However these are later indicators and I'm sure you know that they may show up only several hours after a head injury - because the brain trauma is getting worse! Again I am surprised at a first-aider suggesting that if these don't immediately show, there is no brain injury.
Lukesdad, hair, or wooly hats may indeed give some protection against cuts and bruising, I'm glad you are coming round to a more informed view of the degree of protection offered by cycle helmets. Anyone selling a wig or wooly hat as protection for cycling would (probably) be laughed off. They were not promoted as so doing by the medical profession (nor do they make so much profit for manufacturers), but (as some people have tried to point out already) they may well give better protection against injury on the roads than a helmet - because you will probably be given more room in an overtake.