Then you get the old chap saying things were better back then.....How did you know it wasn't the fuse though.
At least with candles you knew when they were going and most corner shops sold them.
Then you get the old chap saying things were better back then.....How did you know it wasn't the fuse though.
At least with candles you knew when they were going and most corner shops sold them.
100 to ignore the thread altogether as we have seen lightbulb/light bulb threads far to often.and they are right up there with, what helmet, what brakes, have you seen this knobber driver and can you help me because my arse hurts.
How about, someone posts a surprisingly unabashed thread about an improbably personal problem
"I've got a light bulb stuck up my arse - purely an accident, I sat down on a chair with an upturned bulb just put there by my flatmate"
Asks for advice - lots of "good luck mate - get to A and E, they'll sort it - could be serious" type posts.
Lots of "Consult a fully qualified Sports Physio, they'll sort it"
and a few don't worry - try elojutfia from Holland and Barrett - that should help to painlessly do the trick - it worked for me.
Although you won't see this 'cos you flounced. Flouncer!
Followed 3 weeks later by the 'I ordered on-line but it hasn't been delivered yet' thread.And the post claiming a similar product can be bought on ebay for less than half the price quoted by the previous poster.
When we were young, we couldn't afford light bulbs. I used to set fire to my brother for illumination.
And someone to say how comfy Brooks saddles are.
One group lurker to respond to the original post 6 months from now with something unrelated and start it all over again