just stating, IMO, it isn't a shame.
I share that opinion.
Thing is, where do you draw the line? Sosenka was a proven doper. Rominger and Indurain were probable dopers. Jens Voigt is a probable doper. Merckx was a proven doper. Obree and Boardman's records were struck off for "mechanical doping".
Francesco Moser later admitted to using blood doping to help him break the record, but that wasn't technically illegal at the time, so is that any more or less cheating than Boardman and Obree's methods? (Again, Boardman and Obree's records were set using technology that wasn't illegal at the time but has retrospectively been deemed "unfair".)
Brändle is the first person to hold the Hour record since at least 1972 who isn't widely suspected or convicted of practices that are considered to have given him an unfair advantage.* But given who he associates with, you begin to wonder about him too.
Edit: *sorry, that's not true - of course, Boardman set the record again in 2000 under the new rules on a drop-handlebar bike with non-disc wheels, a record that stood until 2005 when Sosenka broke it.