Ha ha I think Chuffy may be a comedy Genius! all that energy all that ranting, cheered me right up this morning.... if you dont like it that much just dont watch it.
Its definately a generation thing.... I used to love to watch and laugh at Jerry Lewis films and Laurel and Hardy on Saturday afternoons when my grandpa was staying with us.
I love Monty Python and Carry on Films as I grew up with my dad watching them, Jokes about massacre of arthurian knights by a killer rabbit probably would not have fit in a chaplin movie either... so are the Monty Python guys crap too? (and I am not say James Corden nd Matt Horne are the same level as the Monty Python guys).
I have a broad humour range, but do think it is a generation and a culture thing.... My wife is Afrikaans and she hates all the dryer british comedies their humour is still very slapstick.