Nearly got caught in Crete once...

Walking along a bar lined street with the wife one day, just minding our own business...i spy a couple of Euros in the gutter
Bent down to pick em up...

huh, they're stuck to the floor
Oh Christ...i looked up, and it's right outside a bar with seats outside....thankfully empty.
No doubt the clientelle had been having a great time laughing at suckers (me included) trying to pick them up..i could just imagine the raucous laughter.
I'm terrible if i get a bad memory anyway.
Rushing through Heathrow to get a flight to Madrid..then a quick connection to Uruguay, so i cant miss the first flight. Get to security..laptop bag with tons of equipment and wires inside, placed it , as well as everything else on the Xray machine, wait t'other side, grab it all and run for the gate.
Got half way there....


Run back....there it is on the 'rejected' side of the xray. All the wires and equipment obviously looked sus.
Explained to security my hurry....'no problem sir' ..''we'll just take a minute'
5 freekin minutes seemed like a lifetime
Made the flight anyway...made my connection..only to get to Montevideo and find they've lost my luggage.
Only the clothes i'm stood in and my laptop & bits....and i've got two weeks work to get through without any spare parts, manuals, clothes, overalls etc etc.
Ever tried buying clothes in a small shop, in a small town, in a foreign country where no-one within miles speaks the lingo ? How do you tell a woman you want underpants ?
Luggage arrive the day before i came back

With the food there (which was'nt just was'nt good) i lost my appetite, and it took me weeks to get it back, I'd lost a stone in weight.
Good, interesting trip...