Hiyas From Tennessee!

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Über Member
Hello from England. What's the cycling like in the states? I would love to do coast to coast USA one day.


Ramsgate, Kent


I must visit Tennessee.

Jack Daniels & Graceland :smile:

Just remember - Lynchburg, TN (where the JD distillery is) is actually a dry county... Kinda odd to me honestly but...

I've heard Graceland is fun to visit, but I haven't been to that side of TN much since moving here.

I visited Tennessee in the 80s. My sister used to live in Kentucky, we went camping in Tennessee and visited Land between the Lakes. Beautiful, I remember the cicadas. This has brought back a wealth of memories of that visit.

There are a lot of beautiful areas - I wish the seasons were a bit more distinct in terms of look and feel - at least where I'm at it goes from hot to cold to warm, but the Autumn period doesn't have the color that I love to see. Spring is probably my favorite time as the heat of the summer hasn't come yet, but the trees are coming back and it is very beautiful.

Hello from England. What's the cycling like in the states? I would love to do coast to coast USA one day.

I wish I could answer this one intelligently. I can't say I've cycled yet in the way you're asking. I know there are many beautiful areas to go through but I haven't experienced them yet on a bike; hopefully as I loose weight and get in better shape - maybe next year - I'll be able to start doing some longer rides then what I can manage now. The area I'm in now also has a lot of hills (not even mountains which would be more over by the east side of the state - I'm more central. Hills yes, mountains no), which are a challenge for me still.


Middle Earth
I had the choice of marrying in New York or Las Vegas (husband is American). I chose NY.
It's on my bucket list to visit Graceland, Yellowstone Park, Grand Canyon etc.
The list is way too long! :smile:
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