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ianrauk said:Your high rise squirrell reminded me of a photo I took a few years back in my garden. Here you go... .. (cheeky little blighter)
ianrauk said:Your high rise squirrell reminded me of a photo I took a few years back in my garden. Here you go... .. (cheeky little blighter)
Dayvo said:It's no secret, goo!
The photos were good - the camera never lies.
Looked very much like Amsterdam and with your owncoffee shoppub in the next building! B)
ChrisKH said:I thought it rained in Scotland like, every day.
ChrisKH said:I was going to say the same; "What, you live in Holland?"
I thought it rained in Scotland like, every day.
ChrisKH said:I thought it rained in Scotland like, every day.
goo_mason said:You have to believe the Proclaimers when they sing "Sunshine On Leith"
scoosh said:We have squirrels (grey) in the garden and, when the children were younger, we had bird feeders - which became squirrel feeders.
To combat this, I found some stuff called 'Squirrel Away", which is basically chilli powder. Put some on the nuts, shake around to ensure good coverage and put them in the feeder. [Not a good idea to rub your eyes at this point]
Squirrels, as we all know, learn very quickly. They soon learn not to go for 'that' feeder, as "it burns" - so you shouldn't need too much of the stuff.
Headgardener said:CJ Birdfoods do a feeder specialy for squirrels. If I can organize the link I will Post later tonight.