That's better. Your earlier font was tiny even on my laptop.
From watching this years TdF, it looked to me like the best all round cyclist won, which seems to be what they're aiming for. The Schlecks seemed to have focused primarily on climbing, which is just one aspect of it, and wasn't enough for either of them to win.
Evans did seem to be good at pretty much everything, but not the best at anything, although the individual time trial being on the next to last day did play to his biggest strength. But if he'd just been really good at time trialling, and hadn't had the ability to climb and descend well, he wouldn't have won the Tour.
If either of the Schlecks wants to win in the future, they need to focus on their weaknesses rather than just complaining when stages include things they're not good at.
Regarding the original question, in an event like the TdF, which is so long and varied, surely it's about finding a balance between low weight and power rather than leaning too far towards either one or the other.