In between here and there
Anxious about it I guess which probably isn't helping.Meds are kicking in now , dropped a bit . Got myself a self test unit for home use yesterday too
Anxious about it I guess which probably isn't helping.Meds are kicking in now , dropped a bit . Got myself a self test unit for home use yesterday too
Anything to help you relax, even long hot baths with eucalyptus oil and avoid stimulants, like coffee.
Avoid politicians debating on the TV or Radio at all costs! Don't listen to the Budget either.
If you got a home BP monitor, beware of the wrist ones. They do work most of the time but can give false readings. That then makes you more anxious. The British Heart Foundation website has a list of approved monitors.
Are your feet/ankles/legs swollen at all, common side effect of CCBs (like amlodipine)