Hi from wettest Wales

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Slightly retro
West Wales
I'm originally from Leeds but now live in West Wales. 61 years young. I have cycled all my life, but over the last 20 years I have done less and less, and got more and more unfit. Last year I sold the Dawes Galaxy that I was hardly using and bought an electric bike. Don't laugh - it's probably saved my life. I started commuting to work on it, lost weight, gained fitness, and now I have just bought a new Galaxy. I'm building the miles back into my legs slowly, and loving being back on two unpowered wheels. Hope to find some good crack here, and be prepared for some silly questions from someone whose biking knowledge stops at about 1990. Current bikes are the Galaxy, a Raleigh Amazon MTB from about 1992, and a Wisper ebike. I love them all.


:welcome: Great story. Keep it going.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Hello. Welcome to the forum :welcome:. No one will laugh at you having an e-bike. Others on the forum have as well. If it helps you get out and to get fit then go for it.and your right about wettest Wales. Prynhawn da.


:welcome:from another of the wet bits! Start as you mean to go on eh!Like the avatar by the way,a man after my own heart!


A fish out of water
Gorllewin Cymru
Welcome Richard,

I'm new on here too, same location and possibly just as fit or maybe not:rolleyes:

A Raleigh Amazon, I remember them well, my son had one,until it got stolen.
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Hugh Manatee

I too am holidaying in Wales this week. I actually got a bit of sunburn today! No sign of the usual rain. I spent four years at Uni in South Wales and had evolved gills come the end of it.

So welcome from me from perhaps not so far away!
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