Hi all new beginner with electric tricycle

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New Member
Hi , thanks to accept me in your forum . I have recently bought an electric tricycle MONTY Rocket 24 , and just begin with it : the very beginning was a little bit hard ... just to go straight away . Now its better but , as many beginners , the road camber is not easy to manage . I have read some of your discussions on the subject : thks for these precious advices . I am 72 , french and leave in Brittany .


Bienvenue de la Morbihan! Welcome to the forum.

Nice to see another CC member living and cycling in Brittany.


Legendary Member
Hi and welcome.
First thing to do is forget everything you know about riding a bicycle, relax and let the whole thing 'move around under you' keep yourself upright not the trike. When taking a bend keep your weight on the inside pedal and just steer it and for gawds sake don't brake (it will tip over)

11 years of riding mine.


That's a lovely looking trike. The only trike I've ridden is a recumbent, but I found leaning was key for camber and turns, shifting weight away from the angle. I'm sure obvious, but I found it became much more natural over time. :smile:


Über Member
Hey there Mongololo,and welcome, I don't know your trike, mine is a recumbent, it's in sign -on loaded for a week's camping, a heavy load but fun to ride.
Really it's not something you can teach, but yes the general advice all ready given does hold true, if you have had a lifetime riding solos, learning to ride 3 wheels is going to be hard to learn.
Best advice I can give is o find a empty car park or quiet industrial estate, and slowly ride around, it's a natural thing to ride 2 wheels, but 3 wheels you do need to steerit where you want to go at first it will do the exact opposite to what you want, you have to counteract that.
Just sit in the middle, Steer left to go left Right to go right, on a cycle you counter steer because of road amber, if you counter steer a trike you go that direction. It's something that you need to learn slowly.
Best advice I can give is you can never master riding a trike, like you can a cycle, but you can learn to ride it.
Recumbents are far easier,butyoucab still getting wrong.
Perseverance is what you need
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