I sometimes read these threads for sport. I occasionally post a question or comment, but the thread-hijackers from
Zealotry-in-the-Wilderness are always on the lookout.
Like many cyclists, I generally ride helmetless but have no issue with those who don't. Every physician I know wears a helmet when cycling. That doesn't make them right, but to my (non-helmet-wearing) mind their view carries more weight than that of an IT nerd with a fixation about stats and a Cassandra-like conviction that the beastly Big Machine is about to clamp us all in helmets from birth.
I've been
'told off' over the years by many for riding helmetless and allowing my children to do so, most recently by our vicar(!). It's water off a duck's back. Not literally, of course.
For most of humankind this debate becomes farcical but strangely entertaining when the
"I'm Right Brigade" load their weapons.
I've had very good, thoughtful and serious feedback over the months on issues about children in helmets and similar... usually offset by slightly foam-flecked, rabid craziness from one or two people who seem to give far too much of a flying fornicatory act about a matter of only mild curiosity. I note a certain inflexibility too in the views of some of those with stern opinions.
Every now and then I post something I think might gt a reaction and wait like a poacher near his snare. It'll fail this time, because I've announced my intention.