Help With Diet..

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Pale Rider

Legendary Member
Sorry to be flippant but .....

Cake works for me :biggrin:

Not flippant at all Lulu, there's a lot to be said for fruit cake from a diet point of view - a lot of horseracing jump jockeys eat it regularly.
Boon 51

Boon 51

Deal. Kent.
Anyway I've sort of started a better diet, I've added Banana and soft fruit to my breakfast and my Trudi is going to make me some flapjacks..
I will start munching peanuts and a bit of chocolate but I dont want to rely on just sugar for increase in calorie's alone.
Cant buy Marathon bars over here but they do Mars bars.. oh yes and fruit cake.


BB wrecker
What sort of nutrition is there in salted peanuts? I love those but i'm wary of the salt content. On a ride with all the sweating would they be ok to snack on or would they just drive up my thirst?


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
What sort of nutrition is there in salted peanuts? I love those but i'm wary of the salt content. On a ride with all the sweating would they be ok to snack on or would they just drive up my thirst?
Per 100g KP Original salted

49g fat (not particularly bad fat)
8.8g saturated fat (bad fat)
5.3g sugar
1.3g salt


Man or Moose!
As a snack on a ride, they would be ok. Probably not my choice of snack, I would prefer something more carb rich, but they wouldn't do you any harm either, replacing minerals and salts lost through sweat. They may make you feel thirsty though and also not the most easily digestible thing to be munching on the move.
I think I will need some help working out an eating plan for myself as I'm losing weight.

The problem started when I got my Garmin 200 and put it onto the computer this week, my wife looked at the data and said I used over 1000 calories on my last ride (36kms off road on mountains) and on checking my weight I have lost 5/6 lbs over the last few weeks and being on the slim side this is a slight worry. I'm 5' 10" and was 10st 10lbs but that is now down to 10st 4lbs.
My general health is OK but I do have pancreatitus which slightly governs what I eat as I can get constipated if I eat doughy bread and my body doesn't tolerate too much dairy/ full fat milk. Having said that I do eat ice cream and a bit of chocolate which seems to be OK,
As my fitness improves so will my milage, I've done 40 miles with no problem but as I want to do a lot more but I need an eating plan to suit.
I dont think my diet is too bad but perhaps I should add a few things here and there to keep the calories up.

Can you help?

Sounds like we are in the same situation...I've lost 4kg (9lb) in January without trying - no idea where it went to because I have been eating loads recently (lunch last Monday was 2 rounds of wholemeal toast, 1/2 can baked beans, 2 fried eggs & 2 (vegan) sausages and what was really annoying was I was still hungry after all of that - usually it is only the 2 toast, 1/2 beans & 1 egg).
Want to cycle more not less, but can't afford to loose too much weight, already thin as it is, but ironically 2 inches shorter than you, female and heavier!

(Info: I'm veggie allergic to all dairy, so effectively vegan+eggs which meant we needed to cover nutrional requirements quite a bit when it came to my dietary needs whilst on tour).

Try not to suppliment your diet with empty calories. Mars bars/chocolate/more sugar are not going to help you in the long run - they are short term sugar rushes that will leave you more drained of energy then before and needing another fix. Better to eat slightly more from breakfast/lunch/evening meal and add in more protein & carbs (cashew nuts (one of my favourites)/eggs/lentils/pulses) into the diet than it is to add sugar. I find regular small snacks of dried fruit & nuts more helpful along with plenty of water. If you have issues digesting buts or seeds, both can be soaked in water for a couple of hours (or added to a meal such as a stew or soup) to aid digestion.

Of course me randomly loosing 4kg in 4 weeks suggests I may need to go off and look at my own advise again, possible not making me the best person to advise you, but the one thing I do know is that sugar/empty calories are not going to help either of us.


BB wrecker
As a snack on a ride, they would be ok. Probably not my choice of snack, I would prefer something more carb rich, but they wouldn't do you any harm either, replacing minerals and salts lost through sweat. They may make you feel thirsty though and also not the most easily digestible thing to be munching on the move.
So i'll not have them as part of my cycling 'snack' food but as a treat then. Thanks Rob3rt.
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