I know that swimming isn't a great example because technique in swimming is far more important than it is in cycling but it does illustrate FF's point well ... I used to work as a factory labourer in my 20s. It got me very fit and strong. I also used to run 2 or 3 times a week and swim 3 times a week after work. I was very powerful.
I could swim all day if I had to but I couldn't swim fast. There was a girl aged about 8 who was often in the pool at about the same time as me and she used to swim 4,000 metres in the time it took me to do 2,000. I absolutely thrashed myself trying to keep up with her but my energy was wasted. She propelled herself forwards almost effortlessly whereas I was busting a gut to just stir water!
Can we please stop talking about swimming - it's got sod all to do with the topic. I understand that technique is also very important in football, but that doesn't validate the argument either.