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Thank you and good spot. Rest assured we haven't forgotten about helmets and have a nice feature to ensure they're worn. We would hope the reason for injuries sustained were not self inflicted due to not wearing a helmet but will be interesting to see if respondents who have incurred an injury upon reflection state wearing a helmet would have prevented it. We believe a helmet is a compulsory part of equipment for cyclists and should always be worn when cycling this is why it was omitted from the questionnaire- appreciate the attention to detail Herr-B :-)

One hundred and eighty!!!!!


Legendary Member
Interesting, in the location options SSMIDSY considers Scotland to be outside the UK, perhaps he can see into the future and already knows the result of the referendum in 2015.
The ability to see a crash situation arising and avoid it should be easy then.:biggrin:
A French troll if ever there was one:rolleyes:
Interesting, in the location options SSMIDSY considers Scotland to be outside the UK, perhaps he can see into the future and already knows the result of the referendum in 2015.
The ability to see a crash situation arising and avoid it should be easy then.:biggrin:
A French troll if ever there was one:rolleyes:

I don't think he (she?) is a troll, just gone off half cocked on a half baked idea whilst having no idea about the real issues.


Legendary Member
Thank you and good spot. Rest assured we haven't forgotten about helmets and have a nice feature to ensure they're worn. We would hope the reason for injuries sustained were not self inflicted due to not wearing a helmet but will be interesting to see if respondents who have incurred an injury upon reflection state wearing a helmet would have prevented it. We believe a helmet is a compulsory part of equipment for cyclists and should always be worn when cycling this is why it was omitted from the questionnaire- appreciate the attention to detail Herr-B :-)

We, some cyclists, don't think a helmet is a compulsory part of a cyclist's equipment therefore not something that must be worn. Rather a choice left to individuals. Any product to aid safety would be best developed independently of helmets as to maximize any potential market. Something the helmeted and non-helmeted cyclist could consider.

Hip Priest

We would hope the reason for injuries sustained were not self inflicted due to not wearing a helmet.

And for that reason, I'm out.



Über Member


Personally I wouldn't bother. I started, but found 4 poorly constructed questions/answers out of 8 on the first page so I gave up.

Q2 - The UK consists of more than just the English regions
Q4 - I can't cycle between 5 and 6pm
Q6 - How much would I pay for a thing that does some unspecified thing - depends what it actually does!
Q8 - Apparently it is impossible to have avoided all bike related RTCs and to know nobody who has experienced one.

If you want sensible answers take a bit more care in constructing your survey


Rollin' along
Manchester way

Thank you and good spot. Rest assured we haven't forgotten about helmets and have a nice feature to ensure they're worn. We would hope the reason for injuries sustained were not self inflicted due to not wearing a helmet but will be interesting to see if respondents who have incurred an injury upon reflection state wearing a helmet would have prevented it. We believe a helmet is a compulsory part of equipment for cyclists and should always be worn when cycling this is why it was omitted from the questionnaire- appreciate the attention to detail Herr-B :-)

Well thats your product consigned to the rubbish dump of history then.

You might as well have just said how great Mussolini was for getting the trains running on time to a large proportion of regular, safe, alive and perfectly happy utility and faster cyclists. Have a check of any forum, including this one for the very strongly held and very vociferous views on both sides of the helmet debate and the total lack of conclusive evidence either way to base your conviction on.

You sounded like you'd done some research and knew the market area a tad more than the usual design student messiah's we get round here. shame it turns out that you're just yet another very naughty boy.
Normally I respond to these with a simple "Done" as they are from Students. As a designer and inventor I am going to be a little more critical of your questions ...

2. What region do you live in?
  • The UK consists of more than England
7. If a product was available today that could improve road cycling safety, what key problem-solving feature/s would it need to include for you to use it?
  • Why does this question demand an answer?
8. Have you been personally involved in a road cycling related accident in the past and if so how many?
  • Needs a "0" regardless of knowing anyone else or not. This is a bias in your survay to assume that everyone knows someone who has.
  • How far in the past do you want us to look?
  • How serious does something need to be to qualify? Last time I came off my bike was on ice a couple of years ago. Nobody else involved, no damage other than a bruise. I got back on and went on my way. does this count or are you only interested in more severe accidents?
... otherwise ...




Senior Member
My original remarks was a tongue in cheek comment aimed at the fact it was a safety questionaire without mention of a helmet - which is a heated debate for another thread or twenty, or so I thought. :wacko:

For the record, I do wear one, but I respect the right of those that don't.
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