help loading files onto garmin

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Three "unnamed" rides at the top.

Let me know if you can't see/get them.

as for how I did it: GPX files are just text files of a specified format, there designed to be readable by both man and machine. I've hacked around with them a few times. As soon as I opened them them I knew what was wrong, and the fix was very simple.

I'm normally a believer in "teaching a man to fish" but this is such a specialised problem, it was easier just to do it myself.
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Active Member
Thank you so much for your help, your generosity with your time is greatly appreciated. Hopefully i'll never need to do this again. Thanks once more.


Active Member
Thanks again, I'll try and put the others on tonight. I've emailed amr and let them know too. Thanks once more.


Active Member
Thanks again, I'll try and put the others on tonight. I've emailed amr and let them know too. Thanks once more.
Sorry if I missed this, gpx files do not convert if dropped into the "NEW FILES" folder but tcx files do. I did have a utility that converted gpx to crs files which you then just put in the course files folder. but as @jefmcg says sometimes its just easier to do than to explain.
these weren't TCX fils, they were GPX files wrapped in xml. The garmin was never going to accept them until they were edited.
Sorry I was more referring to people saying just drop a gpx file in to the "new file" folder and it will convert it, gpx files do not do this just tcx ones. I do a lot of file conversions so I understood what you were on about.:smile:


Active Member
Tried exporting from the site you gave as gpx files and they still wouldn't have it! Then tried export as tcx and they are now on my Garmin. Tried dropping them all in at the same time but it wouldn't have it, had to drop them one at a time, safely remove, boot up Garmin and then do it all again. At the end of the day though they're all on there and I really do appreciate your help, thank you once more.
Tried exporting from the site you gave as gpx files and they still wouldn't have it! Then tried export as tcx and they are now on my Garmin. Tried dropping them all in at the same time but it wouldn't have it, had to drop them one at a time, safely remove, boot up Garmin and then do it all again. At the end of the day though they're all on there and I really do appreciate your help, thank you once more.
If from your down load library you copy them to a folder on your computer docs\garmin for example, you can then multi drop (sounds like a truck) to your garmin, the other thing I do is copy my rides to folders on my comp grouped by month as back up, to having them on rwgps, garmin and strava.

@jefmcg the units are pretty good and garmins being seen as an external drive is useful,

The one thing the free version of rwgps isn't good at when it exports a tcx file are the speeds for the virtual partner ( I didn't use this on the 500, but I am on the 705), I use a little utility called tcx converter (the link takes you to a download page just cancel if you dont want it. You can adjust the speed and a few other things like put distance waypoints in, for example every 5Km, it also exports in tcx, gpx, kml, plt, trk, csv hrm and fit formats.
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