Help - I need to lose weight, fast!

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back and brave
I say again, don't be afraid of fat. Don't go switching to skimmed milk just to avoid the fat content of full fat milk. Fat does not make you fat.


back and brave
benb said:
Rubbish. Fruits generally, and bananas in particular have an exceptionally low glycemic index.

Depends how you interpret your tables I suspect. I certainly wouldn't say "exceptionally" low. Bananas have high GI for a fruit. Obviously nowhere near as high as sweets etc but certainly not in the low category of beans or lentils for instance. Shall we agree mid-table? :biggrin:

Oh, did you know their GI value increases as they ripen? So I suppose it also depends on what state they're in when you eat them! :biggrin:


Bike Fluffer
tundragumski said:
As a long term goal I really need to investigate further and make a sustainable plan.

I've gone from 20st to just over 13st using in 18 months. It's been a complete lifestyle change and is the sustainable plan I needed. A couple of other members on here use it too. Good luck on the short term but remember that you need something that will sort out any issues you have with food intake/balance in the long term.


Banned member
South West
eldudino said:
I've gone from 20st to just over 13st using in 18 months. It's been a complete lifestyle change and is the sustainable plan I needed. A couple of other members on here use it too. Good luck on the short term but remember that you need something that will sort out any issues you have with food intake/balance in the long term.

That's an impressive loss. Are there any key points that you could summarise that you feel made the greatest difference?


Evidence based cyclist
yello said:
Depends how you interpret your tables I suspect. I certainly wouldn't say "exceptionally" low. Bananas have high GI for a fruit. Obviously nowhere near as high as sweets etc but certainly not in the low category of beans or lentils for instance. Shall we agree mid-table? :smile:

Oh, did you know their GI value increases as they ripen? So I suppose it also depends on what state they're in when you eat them! :laugh:

I didn't know that, thanks.
I'll make sure I eat only green ones from now on!! :smile:


My Armchair
I too have got maybe 2 stone to lose but would love to get a stone off before the Manchester to Blackpool ride in just over a months time.
Don't really drink alcohol so can't just cut that out,meal portion size is probably my biggest flaw as is snacking even when I'm not hungry(boredom?)
Cycling 100 miles per week(approx) so have got to get serious now and get my arse in gear,only lost around 10lbs all year so it's going to be tough.


Bike Fluffer
tundragumski said:
That's an impressive loss. Are there any key points that you could summarise that you feel made the greatest difference?

Cheers. The main benefits have been setting a goal and being given the tools to achieve it. It's quite simple, you get a certain number of cals to put you in a deficit (-500cals from recommended daily intake) then you input your intake from the food database system which has pretty much everything on it (inc. cal, fat, carb etc. content) and it's a case of keeping within that allowance. You get extra calories based on any exercise you do, in order to keep the required calorie deficit.

The other benefits have been that it's online, therefore easy to keep track; it's got a good knowledge base and it doesn't require any meetings/special weigh ins etc. It's given me the understanding of 'get out what you put in'. You have to be self motivated to do it though and support from other family members is helpful too.


Vice Admiral
yello said:
I say again, don't be afraid of fat. Don't go switching to skimmed milk just to avoid the fat content of full fat milk. Fat does not make you fat.

I suppose I was trying to save calories. But admit to not knowing how much calorific difference there is.

IIRC the calcium and vitamin content of semi-skimmed and skimmed milk does not drop at the same rate as the calorie content.


Banned member
South West
Just been to the shop to buy lunch (as I usually make sandwiches at home) and after walking straight past the sandwiches in the shop (which is what I usually buy when I don't take sandwiches from home) I didn't know where to look!

Looked at cereal bars and they all had high sugar, looked at a few other options that turned out to be 'bad'.; no fruit juice - too much sugar, no oat bars - too much sugar.....

Ended up buying some atlantic prawns and a box of blackberries + bottle of water. It was quite a good lunch but people though I was mad sitting at my desk eating plain prawns straight out the pack with my fingers.

Will be eating tuna in spring water tonight - need a better plan for tomorrow and the future!!!.


back and brave
tundragumski said:
Jwalking straight past the sandwiches in the shop

:smile: way to go! There could well be some salads in the sandwich aisle, they might be worth a look. Avoid anything with croutons obviously!


Banned member
South West
Jumped on the bathroom scales today (day 3) and it appears that I've lost 2 lbs in 3 days!

What a result!

I'll weigh-in again after 7 days and a decent long (65 miles) bike ride this weekend. At this rate I'll make 1/2 stone in 2 weeks - brilliant ;)


My Armchair
I have started buying those small wholemeal loaves instead of normal sized white bread,that way I can still have the same number of slices but much less calories:thumbsup:
2lbs off this week too,my loss has started:biggrin:


Banned member
South West
potsy said:
I have started buying those small wholemeal loaves instead of normal sized white bread,that way I can still have the same number of slices but much less calories:thumbsup:
2lbs off this week too,my loss has started:biggrin:

I've quit bread completely, which I now know I relied on for just about every meal. I didn't even realise that I was a total sandwich muncher! In the past I have changed what was in the sarnies but until this thread I never considered the bread itself; as I thought granary was healthy.

No surprise I was getting lardy!

Once the weight has gone; I'll probably have the occasional sandwich as I'm missing them already.


eldudino said:
Cheers. The main benefits have been setting a goal and being given the tools to achieve it. It's quite simple, you get a certain number of cals to put you in a deficit (-500cals from recommended daily intake) then you input your intake from the food database system which has pretty much everything on it (inc. cal, fat, carb etc. content) and it's a case of keeping within that allowance. You get extra calories based on any exercise you do, in order to keep the required calorie deficit.

The other benefits have been that it's online, therefore easy to keep track; it's got a good knowledge base and it doesn't require any meetings/special weigh ins etc. It's given me the understanding of 'get out what you put in'. You have to be self motivated to do it though and support from other family members is helpful too.

+1 on what Sam said.

I'm 3.5 stone lighter since last October, thanks to finding this site. For me the major benefit in the long run is that it's up to you to make the choices about what goes in your mouth, it's made me reassess what is and what isn't a good food choice.
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