HELP! I don't know which cleats/ pedals to get.

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Hi Chris,

I was just wondering what you thought about these shoes? I'm looking at going clipless myself, but don't want to spend too much on shoes yet. I've heard the Lidl and Aldi offerings are pretty good, but no good hanging on for those to come up as they don't do my size, whereas Sports Direct do. ;-)

Thanks in advance!

Well yeah i don't have much experience with cycling shoes but yeah the ones i have just bought are good and do the job well :smile:


Well-Known Member
I am very new to cycling - ride number 6 completed on Sunday.

Having read various posts my first purchase was clipless pedals - Shimano M424 for £23.99, at the same time I bought of eBay a pair of Shimano shoes M122 ata bargain price as they were too small for the seller but my size.

I would certainly recommend the pedals and the shoes - not that my cycling performance is anything to shout about but going clipless makes a very noticeable improvement. To date only had a few moments when I almost forgot I was clipless but managed to unclip with no problems - so far - I like the comment on another thread "Being clipless it is not if you will fall but when, where and how many people will witness the event"


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
Nope. Genuinely interested in what will happen if the OP doesn't buy m520 pedals.
Not just me then?

For the same money the OP could get some M530, with a nice surround to clip into.,d.d2k&fp=b08baca294896502&biw=1600&bih=799

Or if he's on a roadbike, the PD A520 is lighter than the M520, is one-sided and looks more in keeping with a road bike.,d.d2k&fp=b08baca294896502&biw=1600&bih=799

I keep on seeing people recommending M520 because they're cheap. Yes they are, but they aren't as beginner friendly as the above two.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
I prefer the M530, that doesn't weigh much more (certainly not enough to make any difference in this section of the forum), can be had for a similar price if you look around, and has a small cage around the mechanism.

This lets you unclip and move your feet while still being able to pedal, and makes it more than bearable to do shortish trips on your bike (e.g. nipping over to a mates house and not wanting to get all togged up or take a pair of non-cycling shoes with you.

I've used both, but own the M530. I suggest it's worth looking at a few different SPD pedals to see what you like the look of before splashing the cash.
No. The hive mind says you need M520s......^_^
Hey guys, so i am a total noob at cycling just got into cycling on my road bike and today i got myself a pair of cycling shoes from Sports Direct.

Hi Chris, I purchased the juinior version black and green as they had my size and I wanted black. They feel great on. Let me know how you get on with the pedals, I've yet to buy them. Not in any hurry with the amount of snow we have it will be a few weeks before I'm back out on my bike.
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