So here are some pics.
If it was yellow it would look like a peice of Bumblebee from transformers.
Notice the 'paint chip' on the mid/bottom left venting? Theres a small part like this at the front too.
Heres the inside of the helmet after i did a little sanding and added sticky velcro for more padding - I didnt want to take the pads off my Savant as i still wanted to use it so grabbed the old ones off my Bell helmet which is a little too large for me.
Heres a pic with almost all the pads taken out. You can see where i sanded down marked by the letter 'T' velcro sticky
Before buying from PBK I checked out
ebay and made an offer for a second hand one. I did notice in the owner's pics that some of the paint work on his helmet wasnt so great either and thought nothing of it. But after mine arrived in this state, i think its a widespread QC issue.
While i totally lusted over this helmet for more than a month (Thread was originally created in December 30th) the final product is honestly not everything its lived up to be. The finish on my lower end Savant is a lot better than the Atmos II but i cant return it now since i've done a little DIY on it.
I cant really tell the difference between the weight of the two but they are probably within the ballpark as each other anyway. the Atmos II looks like it was made with less material as it has the built in 'rollcage' to strengthen it.
I havent had time to test it yet - I took the tube in for saturday and it looks the same for monday as i dont like cycling in stormy conditions.
Since the Atmos has one more cooling vent than the Savant, i dont think cooling will be that much different unless Giro have really improved on the wind tunneling.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.