Helmets why doesn't everyone wear them?

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Legendary Member
Now hopefully those are my 2 sensible reasons for wearing one, what I would like to hear from non-wearers is sensible reasons why not to wear one. Please none of the usual drivel,.
The usual drivel?
Reasons not to wear, well non-wearing is the default condition so I don't think it should be necessary to give reasons, but here goes.... Helmets are a recent innovation, I cycled for long enough without one when only racers wore helmets so the thought of needing one just never entered my head. When they arrived on the scene, I felt that people like me, a utility cyclist who takes leisure day trips and extended touring in summer did not wear helmets, they were for racers and mountain bikers, those who appeared less risk averse than me. I have never worn cycle specific clothing or felt a need to follow fashion trends, so the need to buy a helmet to complete the outfit never applied. None of my friends wore helmets and I had never known anyone who had suffered any more than a skint knee. Tours in mainland Europe indicated to me that mass helmet wearing was a peculiarly British thing so again, no incentive to buy.
Then along came cycling forums, and the inevitable helmet topics. I would like to think I read them with an open mind before ever contributing. I clicked on links on these threads to access further information on the topic and learned a lot, but having weighed up the situation still find myself in the default condition with no helmet.
I have never attempted to dissuade a helmet wearer from so doing, but have advised those contemplating a helmet purchase to read up on the subject.:smile:


Über Member
It would be extraordinarily churlish of me to point out that your statement here is ....... "somewhat different" (? - I'm not misrepresenting you, am I?) from your other contributions to other threads on the subject?
So ... I shall refrain from being churlish.
I will restrict myself to being interested to hear how you define "cycling normally".
I will furthermore refrain from pointing out that you appear to be suggesting that 96% of accidents involving people cycling are actually about MTBers and racers trying to use their ears on the pedals, feet for the handlebars, and hands for miscellaneous gestures to badgers on the road.
There is of course another option - stop preaching.


- ?[/

I thought it might give a different perspective to it. - and It's up there for you to check out yourself if you don't believe me.
Normal cycling in Holland, is going from a to b to buy cheese and ham , or to the bar or to work. and is largely city cycling, you don,t see many cyclists on the main roads between towns and city's.(more than in this country but not large numbers)
so cycling in Holland is very safe.
I would suspect the 96% of accidents occur in a very specific age group and gender.
young(ish) males. - Dutch are fruit loops, you find them doing extreme sports all over the world.
MtB - though god knows were they go , Valkensburg has some hills and Grosspeck heights at Nijmegan - are hillocks at best (the seven hills - did those and didn't even notice) but if you can find some it's more dangerous than a flat road to the shops.And road racing, the pelaton is bloody suicidal , one crashes you all crash. But of course you don,t wear a helmet in Holland - Normally theirs no need , speeds low,your fairly segregated from traffic and cars are terrified of you.
very different from this country.
- its a helmet cycle forum - I thought that was the point to discuss helmets and cycling


Openly Marxist
The usual drivel?
Reasons not to wear, well non-wearing is the default condition so I don't think it should be necessary to give reasons, but here goes.... Helmets are a recent innovation, I cycled for long enough without one when only racers wore helmets so the thought of needing one just never entered my head. When they arrived on the scene, I felt that people like me, a utility cyclist who takes leisure day trips and extended touring in summer did not wear helmets, they were for racers and mountain bikers, those who appeared less risk averse than me. I have never worn cycle specific clothing or felt a need to follow fashion trends, so the need to buy a helmet to complete the outfit never applied. None of my friends wore helmets and I had never known anyone who had suffered any more than a skint knee. Tours in mainland Europe indicated to me that mass helmet wearing was a peculiarly British thing so again, no incentive to buy.
Then along came cycling forums, and the inevitable helmet topics. I would like to think I read them with an open mind before ever contributing. I clicked on links on these threads to access further information on the topic and learned a lot, but having weighed up the situation still find myself in the default condition with no helmet.
I have never attempted to dissuade a helmet wearer from so doing, but have advised those contemplating a helmet purchase to read up on the subject.:smile:

"Helmets are shite" would have covered it... :smile:


Über Member
don,t read it then , its a free country.


Legendary Member
I am not an English teacher. It's just my time is too valuable to spend trying to wade through the inane, illiterate ramblings of those who cannot be arsed to have the good manners to write comprehensible prose. The odd grammatical slip is forgivable - a torrent of typed trash with no punctuation or capitalisation and a complete lack of spelling isn't.

A bit uncalled-for I think...


Über Member
Ah but he's forgetting , I don't give a flying **** if he likes it or not. he doesn't appear to have an opinion of his own - so frankly my dear , I don't give a damn.

Edited for language by moderators
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