As a compulsive poll participant I feel that the above result does not accurately represent my needs and desires, and the whole poll is therefore undemocratic.
When the opportunity demands it. ie. Sportives that have a "no lid, no ride" clause. Also sometimes on longer rides where fatigue means the probability of a low-speed pratfall is increased. Otherwise nope.
It is mandatory that all riders wear a safety approved cycling helmet complying with latest ANSI Z90/4 or SNELL standards. Any rider not wearing a helmet will not be covered by the event insurance and will be disqualified from the event and could be liable for damages if involved in an accident on that basis. The rider must accept this as a condition of entry.
Whether they check or not, it is interetsing that in line with other organisations they are making it clear just how inadequate and useless they consider the EN1078 standard
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