Helmet buying.

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Legendary Member
Hi, all. The place I work for need to buy some new cycle helmets, nothing fancy or expensive and ideally with a large adjuster knob on the back. One of the problems we've encountered is that whilst there are a few very well priced 'lids' about, most are a few years old from the maker's date inside.

Covid (it seems) caused a supply problem, but we really need them with a date from this year, or 2023 at a push due to the life span (5 years) the company insist on. Found a few on sites such as Amazon and Temu, but they either don't have a date on them or are mysteriously 'no longer available' when asked about proof they're brand new 2024 helmets like they said they were.

Tried some local retailers (waiting to hear back), but in the mean time does anyone have an idea where we could get some in the UK ideally, please? Budget will matter as it's a charity. Thanks in advance.


Legendary Member
Try decathlon?


Senior Member
Bristol, UK
Evans cycles (evanscycles.com) have a range of helmets in their current sale. I bought a Specialized Align II MIPS a few days ago - can't comment on the date as it isn't due to be delivered until tomorrow :smile:


Local retailers are usually the best bet as you can try the lid for fit & comfort before you buy one which is what I've usually done in the past.
However, I did buy an Abus lid from Amazon a while back. It's more BMX style, as I think a lid with a thicker outer shell is better in an urban situation as pretty much anything you're likely to hit is going to be very hard. :smile:


Also worth a look is Ekoi - they're a french manufacturer who retail direct so should be able to help with the specific question of product age. Fairly reasonably priced for some of their options.
I bought one of the Planet X MTB helmets in June 2023 - it was manufactured in February 2021 according to the sticker in it. It is not quite as well finished as my Kask road helmet that retails at ten times the price but it fits me very well. It has had a lot of use (and abuse) in the last 15 months and some of the pads are falling apart. For the price I could just buy another helmet (and might well do that) but they are repairable with a roll of double-sided tape and some Copydex.
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