They may not be designed for cars, but when my head contacted the rear window of a Renault a few years ago I was glad I was wearing one!
Ah, here we go.....
I'm glad you were glad, but your anecdotal story of joy is meaningless in the helmet dilemma!
I also had a nasty RTV while cycling a few years ago. It resulted in me suffering a broken neck and fractured skull. I was mobile and giving accurate factual data immediately after the crash (name, address, contact telephone numbers, etc. Although I don't remember this). I walked out of hospital 3 days later having in the meantime proven to medical staff that I could dress myself, toilet and shower unaided. I have since made a near full recovery (as near as can be expected for a mid-late 40yr old being catapulted down the road at speed

). I WASN'T WEARING A HELMET. So the conclusion is that helmet use is unnecessary?
This is the problem with any debate regarding cycle helmets. Where are the numbers? Where are the statistics?
I want facts, not anecdotes or psuedo science. I want to know that helmet wearers are X% more/less likely to suffer cycling injuries requiring hospitalisation or resulting in life changing injuries? I want to know do cycling helmets make me safer?
If somebody, anybody, can give me those figures and they can withstand reasoned scrutiny, and the conclusion is that on the whole wearing a helmet is beneficial, then I will wear a helmet.
At the moment, I do not wear one because the total sum of the compulsion to wear one so far appears to add up to "Wearing a helmet is sensible, it's obvious innit?"