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Active Member
united kingdom
Thank you all, your welcomes are much appreciated.
I recently passed some exams, i still have studies though but i intend to spend my free time cycling. I've been to Scotland and Wales on camping trips, i took my bike and spent many hours cycling and sight seeing. My next planned trip is in August, i'm going to France and will be taking my bike hooked onto my car!
This forum looks very interesting and also helpful as i'll no doubt pick up some helpful tips while i'm here.


Active Member
united kingdom
Greetings to you Danni :smile: Yes this forum is great, with plenty of friendly two wheeled people here, and a good selection of topics covered in the forums list. I can just about remember how busy i once was with exams and univ, so understand your return to cycling :smile: Tell us a little more about yourself, Ever thought about doing touring? Cycling holidays? Have any preferred favourite places for riding? It's great that you do some of your own repairs, getting to feel 'like one' with your bike, and it's specifications is really important for many happy miles ahead. I've just custom built my new bike from scratch, with much learnt along the way :smile:
Enjoy yourself!
That is pretty good custom building a bike yourself. I've attached wheels, brakes, handlebars and seat to a bike, but never can figure out how to attach or adjust the gears.
Thank you Danni, yes thankfully I have the technical knowledge (self learnt) to build my own bikes. Setting up gearing is a specialty of mine :smile: but yes LGC there are some good helpful videos to learn from :smile:


Started young, and still going.
I joined over a year ago but life got busy with studying and exams so i wasn't able to stay, a few days ago i remembered i had joined up here so thought i'd see if i'm still registered, which i am! :hello: My name is Dannii and i'm from the UK, a very keen cyclist, i even do my own minor repairs. :bicycle:
Welcome to the forum.:welcome:
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