Hello from Oxford, UK

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You're right about Oxford's cycle friendliness. I love getting up there and being able to tour around, without much hassle from traffic and shouty people who don't like cyclists .
Seeing stuff like this

and this.


Makes the trip worthwhile. Good luck with your cycling:bicycle::thumbsup:.


Well-Known Member
Oxford, England
Thanks "RR" , most kids around Oxford bike all over the place as there are a lot of cycle paths, tracks and lanes making it easy and for the most part safe. Also even as far back as the late 80's they were teaching all of us at school how to ride our bikes safely and responsibly. I only ever knew one person to be in a RTA on his bike when he was doing his paper round. The students are famous for cycling throughout the city centre (The Radcliff Cambre which is the domed building where the library is based, is surrounded by hundreds of bikes most days of the week).

My aim is to get on my bike at least 5 times a week. I can only manage what is a very short distance around the small housing area I live, I am at least getting more comfortable being on the bike and getting confidence again. I hope by the August bank holiday weekend, I am able to venture a little further out and really start to enjoy being on my bike. Got to change the Cannondale saddle because it's bloody uncomfortable, even when I used my bib shorts for the first time yesterday!
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