Im not too sure how serious you are taking or want to take your training but when I used to run,even quite easy (even when fit) my HR was always in the 160's and to get it down I would be virtually walking.I also had periods when cycling, my HR doing the same. Recently I've had a 'Eureka' moment regarding 'base training' I always thought long slow miles were a waste of time and what help could it possibly do? So my rides were as hard as possible, when possible. Although fast I felt I wasn't improving much and needed to take extended rest periods. I carried this mentality for 3years. Now, however, after an unstructured period of base training usually reserved for winter, my cycling and running have seen big improvements at the lower end of the HR scale and I don't do much running. I feel I can take it easy yet still be going relatively fast compared to previous years. I can now run with a HR av 140-150 ( max 188) but be going at a brisk pace. For long cycle rides (60+ miles) I don't need to eat before or during and not drink anywhere near as much anymore I can also get out of the saddle for extended periods without getting breathless. I can also train for longer wtihout crippling fatigue that can take months to get over.I just haven't worked out when to fit interval training in yet without ruining this 'feel' I have at the moment.