Just got home and see there had been a lot of interest in the thread! Obviously, I'm no pro having to work very hard to go at a comparitive slow speed.
This is the ride in question:
Check out my 25.2 mi Ride on Strava:
It's merely an observation that my heart rate got to an all time high but not only by a small amount.
After more thought about it I'm maybe thinking that my Max may could well be higher than I thought it was, just didn't expect it I guess with my Max till now being relatively consistent between rides. Just realised but the extended effort was in a segment which I can remember pushing hard on.
Today I purposely took it easy and this was the result below. The last half of the ride also was into a 10mph head wind which raised my average slightly.
Check out my 28.5 mi Ride on Strava:
I know I'm no expert at this HR monitoring and that's partly the reason I started this thread. I just like looking at the figures in all honesty but I do feel that I can see improvement in my fitness with regards to comparing HR data.
I will read more into it to try to 'understand' it better.