Heart rate monitoring whilst cycling

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Thanks for all the great posts and replies.
As stated in this thread it looks like wrist heart rate monitoring is not the most accurate way to go.
Whilst its a shame i still really like the smart watch and find it fascinating to be able to track my HR with it.
Yesterday's ride i max out on a climb at just over 170 bpm which is somewhere in the ball park for my age. Average resting bpm was around 65 today.
I will take the watch as a guidance rather than the absolute and enjoy it for what it is.
Its been interesting and have learnt a lot from the posts.
Many thanks to you all👍👍
It's absolutely fine for what you need, if the watch gives you a fairly decent ball park figure and is constantly giving you similar data for similar perceived exertions you can set a baseline and max and can work with it.


The app im using is called Huawei Health to see my HR. It does record rides ect but find Strava to be more in depth
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