I don't watch cycling on tv myself, but to me it is a good form of exercise, transportation, and fun! The most important thing for me is to have a good time, stay active, and not fall off! My preferred sport is hockey but I don't even take that too seriously as in my humble opinion if you are not getting paid and it is not your job it is just a fun game, so if I viewed cycling as a sport it would be pretty much the same. If it is a way to get fit, well people have been losing weight without computer measurements ever since man first decided he was a little pudgy round the middle. 'Incremental gains' at a beginner's standpoint (or any cycling proficiency, really) is usually making it up a tough hill or going a new distance or making a best personal time, you don't need technology to tell you that you feel stronger or faster or fitter.
Any sport can be as high-tech or low-tech as you want it to be, all you need in this instance is a bike and legs and all you really need in hockey is a stick, a puck, and some skates (and not even those for field hockey). The rest is optional. If you enjoy using the extras feel free, but don't feel like you have to because the pros are doing it (often times they also do drugs and we don't recommend that either!)