OK. Progress report. First of all, let us get something straight. I am 61.5 years of age and 5'10 and 18 stone and so unfit, I get out of breath tying my shoelaces (yes I am ashamed of that but since joining this site you have given me a reason to do something about that and this simple change of tyres could well be the first step to a change of lifestyle so bear with me). My normal cycling is just to work and back with the odd trip out to the shops so my average weekly distance is around 20 miles tops.
Back to the tyres. Did I feel a difference. Well yes, I did. My first sensation of them was how quiet it was. My old knobblies made a constant howling noise on the road that was loud enough to make pedestrians actually look my way. I think I will need to get a bell now......
Second sensation was that I could feel the road and hitting small bumps such as tarmac repair patches jarred me quite a bit rather than the sloppy bounce that I was used to.
Third sensation was when starting to pull out of a unction turning left, the front wheel felt like it wanted to 'fall' to the left rather than turn. Given the profile of these tyres, that is hardly surprising but I only noticed it once so it is no big deal, my brain compensated for it quite quickly.
Fourth sensation, it changes direction very quickly compared to my old tyres, far more responsive to a quick twitch to avoid road debris. However, I must stress that this felt very much in control it wasn't skipping about like a startled rabbit.
Performance. I hope you realise from the first paragraph that I know I am not qualified to report on performance. However, I will quote from my gps tracking.
In the week before and after Christmas, I recorded my speed and time to work. I do not and never will race, I only did this to give me more tangible reasons to change myself and to have evidence of improvement. Allowing for some pretty nasty headwinds and varying traffic that I get going to work I was usually getting an average between 9.5 and 11 mph over the 1.4 miles. My maximum speed over this period was 14mph.
I have done exactly the same run in both directions this morning with similar traffic conditions to a weekday morning with no school runs so they are comparable.
According to my Garmin 200 my trip out was a trip average of 12.1 mph, moving average of 13.6 and a max of 15.1 mph
My trip back was Average 12.6 mph, moving average of 13.1 and a max speed of 15.8 (don't ya just love statistics?)
I have to say that I felt slower coming back but that could be because I was not thinking about what I was doing, I just enjoyed the trip. Also, both ways, I was still nervous about dodging white lines, grates etc especially as it was damp on the road and one mini roundabout in particular has far too much white paint on it so I went round it as though I was on ice. (the headology bit of this is still trying to come to terms that those skinny tyres have some grip).
OK, not very scientific but I didn't try any harder than normal and I was still puffing and panting a bit. I also know that stats like these will give some of you a chuckle but that is OK. To change I have to be honest, especially with myself. In three stones time, I get my new bike then watch out lol.