Why should the damn flannel go in the damn freezer?RyanW said:Put a damn flannel in the freezer and put it on your face when things flair up. helps reduce the sting and redness you can get.
A common misconception. "Hay fever" is caused by airborne pollen, rape is pollinated by insects.sleekitcollie said:Just now the pollen is from oil seed rape it's horrable stuff and can bring on symptoms in people that don't usually suffer from it .
Got anything to support that one? We've been growing it for decades, the Canadians have been growing it since the 19th century, I've never heard of anywhere banning it and, aside from your misunderstanding on its effect on hay fever sufferers and a smell which some people don't like, I've never heard of a problem with it.sleekitcollie said:It's that bad I'm sure it is , or certainly was a few years ago banned in lots of E U countrys apart from yeah u guessed it . The UK . And farmers got bonuses for growing it here.
no nothing to support it afraid , i did read an article once years ago about it ,Norm said:Got anything to support that one? We've been growing it for decades, the Canadians have been growing it since the 19th century, I've never heard of anywhere banning it and, aside from your misunderstanding on its effect on hay fever sufferers and a smell which some people don't like, I've never heard of a problem with it.
Same heretundragumski said:I've been getting it for 20+ years without a single year off. However, this year seems to be very good so far so I'm guessing for whatever reason that something is starting late this year.
I went to see the doc this year for something else and asked him for a repeat prescription while I was there. He said that telfast was his secret weapon, expensive, but really works. I can't quibble, one a day and I'm right as rain, although I don't suffer like some do, its just the sore eyes and snotty nose for meBandini said:Prescription Telfast from the docs are best for me.
barq said:I must book at GP appointment and get it prescribed, because at £4.29 a box of 12 (and you take 3 a day) it gets pricey.
Norm said:It usually starts right in the middle of exam week, from O and A levels through Uni exams and professional exams more recently, they always time the exams with the week that the grass pollen bites hardest.
+1 Only it was 30 years ago for me.jazzkat said:same as me. Mine started right in the middle of my o-levels (showing my age) and has been with me for the last 25 years.
"Perhaps a starting point should be Government recognition that oilseed rape (rapeseed/canola) is most definitely a cause of ill health (allergy, hayfever, conjunctivitis and asthma type symptoms) " shows, to me, that they just want to see if they can justify their assumptions. There's little else on the site which stands up to much scrutiny.sleekitcollie said:no nothing to support it afraid , i did read an article once years ago about it ,
can you show any info that oil seed rape does not effect peoples health.
most of the Tree pollen has passed now , and people do get affected by oil seed rape
found this http://oilseedrape.org.uk/
where i live we are surrounded by the stuff now , the years we have it my father cant leave the house is symptoms are that bad , not just hey fever , asthma etc as well , but the years oil seed rape are not grown around us , he can go out and is not nearly as badly affected .
trees are there every year![]()