You promote the BDA's stance on full face helmets because it somehow suits your argument yet you choose to ignore the BMA's stance on standard helmets because it doesn't suit your argument?
Not promotion, I simply present this one as another example of the hypocrisy of the pro helmet lobby and the selective way that medical evidence is used.
Same as the Thudguard, the evidence of health care professionals is meaningless as it undermines a cycle helmet agenda
My "agenda" is simple.......
If you believe that helmets work and should be worn then:
The BMA stance is inadequate and does not go far enough.... As I have pointed out it does not cover most preventable head injuries.
My agenda is greater helmet use. I have suggested that there is evidence for pedestrian helmets and for driver helmets. (There are also lots of nice juicy anecdotes and stories of vegetables sucking soup through straws)
I also promote a meaningful and worthwhile level of protection as opposed to the useless EN1078 that is banned elsewhere in the world as inadequate
I have asked why there is no scrutineering of helmets by Sportive organisers, but apparently there is none - so no real concept of safety
Don't get your agendas twisted....