have you seen this helmet site?

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Well-Known Member
Why do you guys insist on feeding the troll. Spin City has made 37 posts on this forum and almost all of them have been in helmet debates ;)

If you want to wear a helmet then wear one, if you don't then don't wear one :smile:


Lover of things that come in 3's
D4VOW said:
Why do you guys insist on feeding the troll. Spin City has made 37 posts on this forum and almost all of them have been in helmet debates ;)

If you want to wear a helmet then wear one, if you don't then don't wear one :smile:

coz it's all a conspiracy I tells ya, there's a huge industry built around safety equipment that's trying really hard to promote through fear and guilt.

If I was MTBiking or racing at high speeds, in packs or downhill, then I'd consider my chances of coming off to be increased. I'd then consider whether that warranted wearing a helmet, or any other safety gear.

If the opposing arguement isn't made now then compulsion will be shoehorned in. It won't be about safety it will be about profit and we'll be just another set of victims to 'spin'.

Spin City

Über Member
No, I am not a troll and neither am I in denial. I am a cyclist who would like to discuss the pros and cons of helmet wearing in detail. I did want to open the discussion to (i) types of cycling and (ii) types of cyclists to extend the debate but I shan't now for obvious reasons.

I know that previous attempts to discuss this topic have always ended in failure and I guess that's just the nature of forums and its contributors.

Certain parties on this forum can continue to trot out their usual posts which simply do not get to the real contentious issues within this debate. Also, I think the discussion would need to be conducted in a more orderly fashion to fully achieve the level of a useful and informed debate. This is clearly not going to happen within a forum. (I think this is how I ended my last attempt to raise the debate to a more thoughtful level.)

Touche: The study I was looking at on the cyclehelmets website can be found here: http://www.cyclehelmets.org/1068.html
Spin City said:
No, I am not a troll and neither am I in denial. I am a cyclist who would like to discuss the pros and cons of helmet wearing in detail. I did want to open the discussion to (i) types of cycling and (ii) types of cyclists to extend the debate but I shan't now for obvious reasons.

I know that previous attempts to discuss this topic have always ended in failure and I guess that's just the nature of forums and its contributors.

Certain parties on this forum can continue to trot out their usual posts which simply do not get to the real contentious issues within this debate. Also, I think the discussion would need to be conducted in a more orderly fashion to fully achieve the level of a useful and informed debate. This is clearly not going to happen within a forum. (I think this is how I ended my last attempt to raise the debate to a more thoughtful level.)

Touche: The study I was looking at on the cyclehelmets website can be found here: http://www.cyclehelmets.org/1068.html

So what (in your view) are the contentious issues?

.. and how can yu have an "informed debate" if you decide on restricting what we are allowed to discuss?
Oh No! I've been sucked in!

In the following post *ALL* I would like to discuss is injury chances and helmet use by cyclists - please no distractions along the lines of making pedestrians wear helmets or helmets bad as they reduce cycling numbers arguments!

My question - all of these studies (and I'm now relying on my memory from when I last found the site in the original post and other discussions) are from various places in the world.

Countries which have large volumes of cyclists are - from what I've gleaned - often quite different in terms of cycling facilities, where people cycle, how fast people cycle, and how other road users behave towards cyclists. I'm not even going to go into causality here (or correlation).

Now, one of the main reasons I wear a helmet is that if I do get knocked off (sideways, not over the bars) or blown off or fall off or whatever, the chances of me landing headfirst on the raised kerb is fairly good, I reckon - given where I cycle (urban traffic, for the most part).

However, my mental image of cycling in most other countries where cycling is more common (and, I hazard a guess, helmets less so - say, in those lovely cycle lanes along the highways in whichever Scandinavian contry Origamist was writing up about a while back); it seems to me the paths for cycling are more likely not to have a raised kerb but just to fade into grass or similar. In that case, I would again hazard a guess that if a fall does happen, instead of a head first smash, it's likely to be a shoulder/arm/etc first smash, and in that case a helmet is not going to help or hinder much, surely?

Maybe this is also an urban vs rural question.

My final point is - having had some statistical training, most of these studies are probably not that useful. Statistics depends on large numbers of identical experiments, and accidents are most definitely not all identical. You can test a helmet in a lab, fine, but as for effectiveness in real life...?


Lover of things that come in 3's
shauncollier said:
i have begged forgiveness many many times:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

you must pay the penalty, we'll accept pictures of you smeared in honey, wearing a bike helmet and tied up over an ants nest, as proof that you've paid the price.
MacB said:
you must pay the penalty, we'll accept pictures of you smeared in honey, wearing a bike helmet and tied up over an ants nest, as proof that you've paid the price.

Wouldn't a receipt be easier?
Spin City said:
Touche: The study I was looking at on the cyclehelmets website can be found here: http://www.cyclehelmets.org/1068.html

Ah!, the Thompson, Rivara & Thompson one that is so often used to justify MHL. Are you aware of the problems that have been identified with this and what are your views on this criticism?

Have you had a chance to read any of the reports by Robinson DL on the effect of the introduction of MHL in Australia & NZ?
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