I remember it vaguely in the 70's at junior school, but I know I passed both my car license, and part one of my motorcycle license (also a Bronze Star I think scheme bit like C.B.T.) first time, car early mid 80's, Bronze Star was in 1980, part one of the M/C was late 80's, never went on to do part two, H.G.V. I passed on the second time, first time I think was nerves and I just didn't get on with the instructor I had, 2 fails + 2toted up fails, and 17minors which I think in itself was a fail, following week, I passed with 2 minors, theory test for HGV 34/35 not sure the hazard perception score, but I was told it was one of the highest (both parts) to pass through Gillingham, so I have a lot of road experience, one way or another..