Bit of fun:
May 2024 "Team Cyclechat" Wordle stats:
Average entries per day 15.13*
Success rate for the month 97.4%
Average Daily Scores:
1 attempt = 0
2 attempts = 0.58 (3.8%)
3 attempts = 3.84 (25.4%)
4 attempts = 5.45 (36.0%)
5 attempts = 3.58 (23.7%)
6 attempts = 1.29 (8.5%)
Fails = 0.39 (2.6%)
Best Day 11th May Average 3.46 attempts
Worst Day 29th May Average 5.07 attempts
(These only take into account the successful attempts).
9 of the 31 days, when we had one or more fails:
6 days with 1 fail.
2 days with 2 fails.
1 Day with 3 fails.
* Daily entries were between 10 and 18 per day.
14 of the 31 days recorded at least a single "Two attempts":
10 days with a single "Two attempts"
4 days with a couple of "Two attempts"