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New Member
Noodley said:
That would be me knotted 'kerchief look.

hehe, I can just imagine you and jamesie going cycling with slabs of stella tied to your backs like rucksacks.


I have a fedora (which admittedly I don't wear that much). My current preferred hat is a 1930s-style tweed driving cap... although I will probably be wearing my Norwegian wool one if it carries on being this cold much longer.


Legendary Member
I've got something like 17 diferent forms of headgear if you include cycling, climbing and motorcycling helmets. For smart wear I have a Glengarry like this, thought I've removed the chequers and the bobble, which have slightly sectarian overtones:


I want a Balmoral, which is an equally warm and romantic hat:


and looks good on the right shape of head:



back and brave
I wore a Weekender (from Bates Hats) during the winter months many years ago. That used to attract some comment but I liked it. I also have something like a Breton cap, but without the braid, that I got in a Guernsey chandlers - that gets warn a lot. Also a Peruvian hat (not one of those alpaca woolly hats with the ear cover bits, this is a stiffer construction) and I'll wear that more casually, even gardening. I used to have a Russian hat (a 'ushanka' google reliably informs me) but that got left in a Soho pub and was never seen again - pee'ed me off, that did. Plus several woolly beanie hats and freebie, or found, baseball caps - and, of course, a couple of cycling caps.

I do like hats and would love to see more men wearing them, and not just baseball caps etc.It's a real shame imo.


Legendary Member
NE England
I wear a hat almost every time I'm out. Helps keep my head warm and stops my pate from being sunburned, though not at the same time!
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