Has cycling changed your driving?

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Hi all,

As per the question above...

Since taking up cycling again 3 months ago I find that my driving has changed insofar as be proactive in helping cyclists at junctions/bends etc.

As posted previously, I used to cycle a lot 20 years ago (God, do I sould old at 46!!) so was always aware of giving cyclists plenty room on passing, but find that since stating again (and what I read on this forum) that I will slow and wave cyclists out where I can and drop back when closing in ao a cyclist approaching a bend so they have more room/less hassle.

See - this forum works in many ways :ohmy:



Rare Migrant
Having cycled since I was a nipper, I find that yes, cycling does affect my driving.
Unfortunately this can be positive (more awareness of other road users, better anticipation of what other road users are likely to do), or negative (reluctance to brake when driving - "I'll only have to pedal harder to get back up to speed", and at times, an over-optimistic view of what gaps in the traffic are "makeable").


Legendary Member
Iv cycled most of my life,so when i passed my test to drive it was automatic for me to think about other road users needs,but since being on here i didnt know the term primary and now understand its needs in most situations,but then unless i was on my way to hospital in an emergency i wouldnt be rushing anyway,which i think is probably the biggest cause of problems.

Chris James

Über Member
I was quite keen on cycling before I passed my test and have always thought that I have been a more considerate, more aware driver due to this.

Funnily enough I think it also works both ways and I don't have the bike / car antipathy demonstrated by some on the commuting forum, for example. Having said that, I do most of my cycling on rural B roads so maybe I just don't come into much conflict with cars.


Legendary Member
I too cycled before I learnt to drive, so am always aware of cyclists, but I still like to drive fast, so break limits, and I don;t exactly drive defensively...

But I didn;t learn to drive in the UK either, and see UK drivers as a tad pedestrian if anything....


Senior Member
I think I have always been pretty generous in terms of space and never overtake unless I can see properly the one area I do watch now is one little bit of cycle lane on the edge of the roundabout. Invariably it has cars too close to the line and I do now watch that more carefully than I did.

My boys comment on the fact it is always me that gives way to other drivers, this morning down the foot/cycle path, too narrow for two bikes it was me that stopped for the other cyclists on 3 separate occasions I was getting very fed up - I guess it's because I don't want it to be my fault if there's a collision.
I drive the same on motorways (speed) but always observe limits on regular roads nowadays. I'm much more likely to coast up to lights/traffic.
I sometimes try to drive the same route I would take when I cycle which can have unintended consequences.


New Member
Beside the road
Yes, I know end up taking silly back lanes instead of the main roads because i'm so used to going by bike.
Many moons ago when I past my test I think I was the typical boy with a new toy and was always driving just below the prosecution limit but above the signed limit (i.e 33 in a 30). Now I'm into cycling I think I drive slower and I'm more likely now to let the car slow down it self rather than wasting energy on the brakes and if I'm not at the limit I don't bother.


When I drive (which is hardly at all) I find it amazing that considering drivers are sitting on their fat backsides - are knowingly disgracefully nonchalant, and how they put each and us at danger :smile:


New Member
I have to say that the only way cycling has affected my driving is the respect and awareness I now have for cyclists. Lets face it, we're not the most popular people on the road are we? I used to get really annoyed when passing cyclists, but see it in a completely different light now!
I don't think that cycling specifically has affected my driving. However, I passed motorbike and car tests back in 1964 so who knows. I've continued to ride motorbikes ever since so I have an afinity for 2 wheelers of any persuasion. Several years as an IAM Observer have directed me more than transport type. Also driven a car ever since as well.

Many years ago I was taught "never force another road user to change speed or direction" and that applies to all.


Like somebody earlier - I can have problems with gap judgement, especially after a long trip by motorbike; I'm convinced the MG will go through the same gaps as the Triumph. Never actually hit another road user so far and just 1 speeding ticket.


New Member
Riding has cirtainly changed the way I drive and after getting knocked off my by a car its changed the way my GF drives (not a bad result for a few hours of pain and a new wheel!)

just wish all the other drivers and riders would develop patients and manors on the road (would be so much better)



Legendary Member
Patients and manors? Are we building a hospital or something?

I rode motorcycles for 12 years, which I believe taught me some good self-preserving instincts. Having ridden bicycles or motorcycles for about 48 years I also have a healthy respect for any 2 wheeler.
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