Has Cycle Chat been a bit flat recently

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In contrast to Keith, I think the racing so far this season has been the best for a long time. And personally, the cut and thrust of the politics is great fun and frankly it's great to see the UCI getting something of what's coming to them. Sport and politics have always been intermingled and always will be - there's no such thing as 'pure' sport...

I really disagree on Commuting - I think it is a great place to let off steam, and I am always suspicious of people who think reports from real life are 'too negative' - it's like those who don't like the news because there are always reports of bad things. That's life. Us regular commuters need a place to go 'aaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!' in a primal scream kind of a way. And sure, there's room for positive reports. I seem to remember threads about courteous drivers, nice weather etc. too.

I don't see any problem with Off-road - it comes and goes - but Cross should go - amalgamate it into Race.

The big problem with the technical side here is there's really no-one on this forum I would trust for advice (sorry, people - no offence intended) - C+ resident guru, Pete Biggs, is elsewhere... perhaps this will develop more with time.


Über Member
Flying_Monkey said:
In contrast to Keith, I think the racing so far this season has been the best for a long time. And personally, the cut and thrust of the politics is great fun and frankly it's great to see the UCI getting something of what's coming to them. Sport and politics have always been intermingled and always will be - there's no such thing as 'pure' sport...

I really disagree on Commuting - I think it is a great place to let off steam, and I am always suspicious of people who think reports from real life are 'too negative' - it's like those who don't like the news because there are always reports of bad things. That's life. Us regular commuters need a place to go 'aaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!' in a primal scream kind of a way. And sure, there's room for positive reports. I seem to remember threads about courteous drivers, nice weather etc. too.

I don't see any problem with Off-road - it comes and goes - but Cross should go - amalgamate it into Race.

The big problem with the technical side here is there's really no-one on this forum I would trust for advice (sorry, people - no offence intended) - C+ resident guru, Pete Biggs, is elsewhere... perhaps this will develop more with time.

Then don't ask here.

Personally I disagree. There are some good mechanics on here.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Nah - get out on the bike's and talk about the ride...

Had a great ride today, despite the cold overcast windy weather.... Even played chicken with a Landrover !!! - The bugger wouldn't wait as I came down a narrow hill - parked cars his side, me right of way - I just stayed where I was, braked, shook my head, then at the last second, nipped down the 2 foot gap he had left me - completely in my lane.....:smile::evil::biggrin:

Having battled on the outward journey with the wind, flew through the village at 30 mph near home, held up by two cars sticking to the limit in front...bugger !
Flying_Monkey said:
The big problem with the technical side here is there's really no-one on this forum I would trust for advice (sorry, people - no offence intended) - C+ resident guru, Pete Biggs, is elsewhere... perhaps this will develop more with time.
I agree, sort of. I've always thought that the Know How section on here was relatively weak, compared to the old C+ incarnation. There doesn't seem to be as high a turnover as there used to be and there is definitely a PBiggs shaped hole in the scenery. I'm not casting aspersions on anyone else's abilities (I'd still use Know How for any technical troubles) but the confidence isn't quite there.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
I'd agree about amalgamating some of the less frequented boards where appropriate (Know-how + Accessories), acf annoyed me by having soooooo many different places to crawl through (and unfortunately yACF has carried-on), but I would keep 'Beginners', as it's the welcome mat for many forum and cycling newbies.
On the subject of quiet...Arch and Stevens steamy affair seems to have gone off the boil!


Fab Foodie said:
I'd agree about amalgamating some of the less frequented boards where appropriate (Know-how + Accessories), acf annoyed me by having soooooo many different places to crawl through (and unfortunately yACF has carried-on), but I would keep 'Beginners', as it's the welcome mat for many forum and cycling newbies.
On the subject of quiet...Arch and Stevens steamy affair seems to have gone off the boil!

I think Beginners provides a place to go for people joining, it's not too intimidating. There are many things I like about YACF but it doesn't have the same kind of soul that Cafe provides for CC. I've been over to YACF many times now, enjoy reading the posts but I don't find it as easy to jump in as I do here. I don't think that's just familiarity because I got involved here pretty quickly.


Noodley said:
OK, I'm doing an audax on Sunday and a ride tomorrow so I'll post a report on one or both of them - I may even add a few pics. :biggrin:

As promised:



Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Dave5N said:
I thought they fell out towards the end of the C+ days when he went up to York and took her out to dinner - with his missus in tow.

And a very nice evening we all had too....

You know how it is, you can't keep that level of passion going indefinitely...:smile: Either that, or he's found another woman...

On the subject of the forum - I guess I haven't got around the place as much recently as I used to. Partly because I've had rather a spate of long personal emails to reply to, so my time here is more limited, and I tend to just drop into the more relaxing bits - Tea? mainly. And TBH, most of what I'd want to say in commuting or soapbox, I've said so often, I don't feel there's much point saying it again. After a bit of a quiet patch, I may feel more like trying again...:smile:

Definite vote FOR Tea? from me. It's a little haven of relaxedness, and I've made some great friends in there in a way I perhaps wouldn't have in the more general Cafe. If people don't like it, they should just stay out. It doesn't stop me posting elsewhere - most of what I say in Tea? wouldn't merit a thread of its own, and wouldn't fit onto any other thread...


nothing in moderation
must be the time of year. mrs alecetc was moaning much the same about the baby related fora she visits. add the naval gazing that has gone on as a result of the whole acf thing (was soapbox itself ever such a bone of contention), and we've become maybe a little too introspective.

Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
S of Kendal
Either that, or he's found another woman...
More likely the 'other woman' (aka Mrs Stevens) has done some 'discovering' of her own and has now surreptitiously upped his medication to lessen his urge 'to roam'.
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