Hard to sleep at night after a long long cycle ride.

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Just after some advice really. After a full days cycling where its been a proper gruelling ride where I've pushed myself to the limits. I find that I have the worst nights sleep ever. Generally hard to fall asleep, then keep waking up and tossing and turning.

Does this happen for anyone else? Can anyone explain why this happens and if there's anything I can do to prevent it?



Senior Member
It's not unusual (which is also a catchy ditty by Tom Jones...)

If you push yourself beyond your usual capability it can lead to a prolonged elevation of heart rate, respiration and basal body temperature. If your ride has also been fairly intense it will lead to increased cortisol and / or adrenaline. This will all hinder sleep.

To prevent it, give yourself an hour or two before you go to bed where you allow yourself to wind down properly. Avoid unnecessary stimulation (like logging on or watching TV) and try and cool down (literally.) If you are experiencing pain then take an appropriate medication.
I used to have this after my taekwondo training. Cool shower to reduce body temperature and LOTS of fluid helped massively.


Go on, tilt your head!
I get this when I've had a late game of football. Its really annoying as your body is knackered but you just can't get off to sleep!


Rural Quebec
If it is an event what you are describing it is probably normal although if you intent doing a similar event you should have a look at your training between now and then.
However if this was not an event but just you out for a ride you should avoid such arduous rides for the near future, if you ride to exhaustion on a regular basis your fitness will drop off and you could even burn out requiring rest and recovery big time.


I get this when I've had a late game of football. Its really annoying as your body is knackered but you just can't get off to sleep!

Thought i was the only person this happened to , used to play double session of 5 a side on sunday nite and could be awake till 5am , Murder !!!
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