Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
- Location
- On the edge of reality
I’m a hearing aid user, but the type of aids I have do not allow me to wear a helmet. My predicament being - wear helmet but be unable to hear very much or don’t wear helmet but be able to hear. The uncertainty about the most sensible way to proceed has put me off cycling for many years but with my husband recently getting into cycling I bought a bike - nothing fancy; one of the Dutch style bikes with 6 gears (lame I know!) - I find that being sat upright on this bike makes me feel more aware of my surroundings. What I’m looking for, in order to improve my confidence, are recommendations for quiet/traffic free routes in the Gtr Manchester/Lancashire area.....or any advice generally would be so welcome. Thanks
I think you need to be a little more specific about the areas you wish to ride. As you will be aware there are some lumpy bits, which are not to everyone's tastes, even relatively near the City Centre. If you wanted traffic free and flat, there is the cycle path which runs alongside the East Lancs, although if I remember correctly, there is only segregation from traffic from the slip road with the M60. But from there you can stay segregated until at least Knowsley.