Happy wife and kids

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Glad your happy with it.

Unfortunately a grown up conversation about the relative merits of a particular helmet seems to be impossible on here ,Classic case of a tiny minority spoiling things for the majority.

Yah Boo Sucks!

Seriously, if it makes those around you (and perhaps yourself) feel more comfortable when you are out on your bike, then that is a good thing.

Quite a nice 'stealth' looking bit of plastic & polystyrene headwear by all accounts.


Is it not "better" to have a well maintained bike, be educated in how to ride safely, not jump red lights, not undertake vehicles at junctions, and have the experience and skills to deal with the situations that arise, rather than a piece of plastic?

Innit :thumbsup:

Oh, to OP nice helmet btw.;)


Legendary Member
I'm guessing you don't find cycling in London exciting enough when you can actually hear the traffic :whistle:


New Member
East Barnet
I never ride my motorbike or cycle with headphones as i like to hear what is going on around me just in case there is an idiot cagers near me and i can react if something is going to happen.


Fan Boy No More.
Today i bought a helmet as i started to ride on the road instead of the local park as there were too many idiot dog owners to contend with and the wife and kids said i was stupid for riding on the road without a helmet and seeing i ride motorbikes i should have known better.
So i bought a Met crossover which fits great and shall wear it each time i go out now.


Helmet ?????

Nop, no idea what they are, gimme a clue :biggrin:


West Somerset
I met with with one of my friends yesterday - it's been about 6 months since I last saw her and right off the bat she told me off for not wearing a helmet. When I could get a word in edgeways, I asked how she knew.

"I can see you've been wearing gloves but you haven't got a tan line on your forehead!"

D'oh! Rumbled!


The helmet would probably be of more value in the park.
Just what I was thinking, but then thinking doesn't seem to be the purpose here.

I never ride my motorbike or cycle with headphones as i like to hear what is going on around me just in case there is an idiot cagers near me and i can react if something is going to happen.
OP starts a helmet thread, then brings up headphones, throws in a gratuitous "idiot cager"... how long until we see a link to an "moton" video in this thread, just to get the full set. :biggrin:

Dan B

Disengaged member
Just what I was thinking, but then thinking doesn't seem to be the purpose here.

OP starts a helmet thread, then brings up headphones, throws in a gratuitous "idiot cager"... how long until we see a link to an "moton" video in this thread, just to get the full set. :biggrin:
I ride on the pavement and jump red lights (both at the same time) just to get away from motons. And I ride clipless with only one pannier. Also, Windows is better than Mac

Seriously, can this be moved to the helmet forum. Apologies to the OP, but when people start coming in with comments like "I know they work" and "dumb buggers" there really is no salvation for a thread
I ride on the pavement and jump red lights (both at the same time) just to get away from motons. And I ride clipless with only one pannier. Also, Windows is better than Mac

Seriously, can this be moved to the helmet forum. Apologies to the OP, but when people start coming in with comments like "I know they work" and "dumb buggers" there really is no salvation for a thread

The rest is forgivable, but one pannier is simply beyond the pale!
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