Happy wife and kids

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New Member
East Barnet
Today i bought a helmet as i started to ride on the road instead of the local park as there were too many idiot dog owners to contend with and the wife and kids said i was stupid for riding on the road without a helmet and seeing i ride motorbikes i should have known better.
So i bought a Met crossover which fits great and shall wear it each time i go out now.



Well-Known Member
Bude, Cornwall
:biggrin: I wear mine because it makes my mum happy


Somerset UK
The helmet would probably be of more value in the park.

Now all you need are knee and elbow pads and gloves.

Full body armour?

I wear a helmet to protect my ears - from the complaints I get if I don't.


I'm back! Yippeee
i used to not think much about helmets but wore one anyway, have since found that when your upended by the big meatal boxes , as you spin through the air you have no controll over what bit hits the ground first and then whe it dose the back of your ( my) head shortly follows it, anyway one broken helmet and a few brusies later has change my opion, helmets work, and if the new one never hits the ground ive lost nothing, cool huh! ps this was last year, im just getting fed up with people saying they dont work, you dump buggers dont have to wear one and i dont really care, and wont try to force you, (also a cool deal) but they work !!!!!
I used to not think much about helmets but wore one anyway, have since found that when your upended by the big metal boxes, as you spin through the air you have no control over what bit hits the ground first and then when it does the back of your, (my) head shortly follows it. Anyway, one broken helmet and a few brusies later has changed my opinion, helmets work, and if the new one never hits the ground i've lost nothing, cool huh! PS, this was last year, i'm just getting fed up with people saying they dont work, you dump buggers dont have to wear one and i dont really care, and won't try to force you, (also a cool deal) but they work !!!!!

+1, there is no substitute for experience. I wish I hadn't had my experience that proved helmets work, but I did and I can't change that.
Money can buy you anything.......except experience! Oh, or a new head :whistle:
Can I make an appeal that this doesn't turn into yet another helmet debate, please?

So long as someone doesn't start posting garbage such as:

i'm just getting fed up with people saying they dont work, you dump ( I presume the OP meant dumb?) buggers dont have to wear one

Because that type of garbage would need to be challenged.


i used to not think much about helmets but wore one anyway, have since found that when your upended by the big meatal boxes , as you spin through the air you have no controll over what bit hits the ground first and then whe it dose the back of your ( my) head shortly follows it, anyway one broken helmet and a few brusies later has change my opion, helmets work, and if the new one never hits the ground ive lost nothing, cool huh! ps this was last year, im just getting fed up with people saying they dont work, you dump buggers dont have to wear one and i dont really care, and wont try to force you, (also a cool deal) but they work !!!!!
Yes, it's "better" to wear a helmet than to not wear a helmet. But the fact that you know this and are wearing one does not entitle you to point it out to others. If you find yourself compelled to make comments like this to people, do your best to suppress the urge and instead simply go home and resume work on the life-sized marble statue you're carving of yourself to celebrate your own brilliance.
Yes, it's "better" to wear a helmet than to not wear a helmet. But the fact that you know this and are wearing one does not entitle you to point it out to others. If you find yourself compelled to make comments like this to people, do your best to suppress the urge and instead simply go home and resume work on the life-sized marble statue you're carving of yourself to celebrate your own brilliance.

Is it not "better" to have a well maintained bike, be educated in how to ride safely, not jump red lights, not undertake vehicles at junctions, and have the experience and skills to deal with the situations that arise, rather than a piece of plastic?


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
Today i bought a helmet as i started to ride on the road instead of the local park as there were too many idiot dog owners to contend with and the wife and kids said i was stupid for riding on the road without a helmet and seeing i ride motorbikes i should have known better.
So i bought a Met crossover which fits great and shall wear it each time i go out now.

Glad your happy with it.

Unfortunately a grown up conversation about the relative merits of a particular helmet seems to be impossible on here ,Classic case of a tiny minority spoiling things for the majority.
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