Enjoying the irony that ‘the English’ are complaining that their rightful Anglo-Saxon patron saint has been usurped

(Given that the Angles and Saxons usurped the British to such an extent that the British language got confined to the margins and the country became known as Angleland, the land of the Angles).
I don't follow your point. Angles became Anglo saxons who became English and the English used to have an Anglo saxon patron Saint. Where is the irony with that? It would be strange to have a Briton as an English patron Saint.
If you're arguing because of our various migrations we shouldn't celebrate a Saint from the founding peoples, the angles and the saxons it's strange. No British nation in modern times is ethically pure anyway.
I just point out that we have a better Saint in the Ango Saxon King Edmund than a soldier from what is now modern day turkey.
Anyway it's all moot. Only Wales has a true national patron Saint who came from the country. All the others weren't from their nation they're saints for. All just a projection of how the state wanted to be seen back when they first got celebrated as a patron Saint. Perhaps we all need new ones for our modern nations and how we want to be seen.
I was 5 years old at school when I got told by a teacher there were no dragons. She was trying to stop a 6 year old crying her head off in fear after the teacher read a story to us with a dragon in. I went straight home and put my nature book into my bag to show her the bit on komodo dragons the next day. She said it's not a dragon I said it is because it's called a komodo dragon. Oh the years of corporal punishment weren't great for open debate!!